The Magazine
Therapies Magazine is a Malaga-based journal published in English, with a passion for health, alternative medicine, and wellness. Therapies Magazine is the only free publication that focuses on mental health and therapy on the Costa del Sol & Gibraltar. If you are curious about these matters, this magazine is for you!
How to write for Therapies Magazine?
If you are interested in writing for THERAPIES MAGAZINE, you’ve come to the right place.
Therapies Magazine covers topics related to health, wellness, and therapy. Therapies Magazine is known to be a place for addressing the needs, wants, and interests of the ex-pat community of Spain with a focus on the Costa del Sol and Gibraltar. By marketing through Therapies Magazine, you can reach a unique audience of thousands of interested readers.
With 5,000 magazines printed and a new issue every two months, Therapies Magazine features the following topics:
Self: talks about psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, growth, mindfulness, self-love, and coaching.
Love, Relationships: explores topics on friendship, couple therapy, family therapy, and all kinds of interpersonal relationships.
Family, Parents and Education: talks about family life, parenting challenges, family therapy, and the mental health of children and adolescents.
Health and medicine: will cover everything related to medical tourism, and give out information on the latest medical breakthroughs, such as new treatments and therapies.
Science and Nature: will be about technological discoveries, medicine, ayurveda, science, nature therapy, and esotericism.
Everdyday Life Abroad: will discuss our daily life abroad. Here, we will give you tips on these peculiarities, and provide you with advice, tips, and things to avoid.
To Discover: will share our discoveries with you.
Counsels, and Advice: is tailored to meet the needs and interests of expats residing in the Costa del Sol and Gibraltar. It serves as a valuable resource offering expert advice, practical tips, and insightful guidance on various aspects of expat life. Topics covered may include legal and financial advice for expats, cultural integration, language learning tips, local events, property market insights, healthcare information, and other relevant topics to help expats make the most of their lives on the sunny coast.
To pitch an article you’d like to write, include a summary describing the gist and idea of the article, the approximate length and the date it could be handed in
We prefer completed submissions as OpenOffice or Word attachments. Your name and a bio spanning one or two sentences should be included with your submission. We don’t pay for articles, but we do include a byline, bio, professional references, and link to your website. All articles might be edited for length, grammar, content, style, and tone.
To pitch a story idea or submit a feature for Therapies Magazine, contact us here. (If the link doesn’t work, email us at We do our best to respond to all inquiries, but be aware we are sometimes inundated. If you have not heard back from us after 1 month, please assume we will not be able to use your idea or submission.